ncRNAomics Lab

Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences / China National Center for Bioinformation


May 11, 2024 Junchao has been elected as the Youth Editor for Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Feb 1, 2024 Xinxin Liu officially joined ncRNAomics lab as a Ph.D. student
Sep 1, 2023 Zerong Feng joined ncRNAomics lab as a Ph.D. student; Ao Huang and Lefan Xie joined as master students

selected publications

  1. Cover Story
    Exploring the expanding universe of small RNAs
    Junchao ShiTong Zhou#, and Qi Chen#
    Nature Cell Biology Apr 2022
  2. Nat Cell Biol
    PANDORA-seq expands the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs by overcoming RNA modifications
    Junchao Shi*, Yunfang Zhang*, Dongmei Tan*, Xudong Zhang*, Menghong Yan*, Ying Zhang*, Reuben Franklin*, Marta Shahbazi, Kirsty Mackinlay, Shichao Liu, Bernhard Kuhle, Emma R James, Liwen Zhang, Yongcun Qu, Qiwei Zhai, Wenxin Zhao, Linlin Zhao, Changcheng Zhou, Weifeng Gu, Jernej Murn, Jingtao Guo, Douglas T Carrell, Yinsheng Wang, Xuemei Chen, Bradley R Cairns, Xiang-lei Yang, Paul Schimmel, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, Sihem Cheloufi#, Ying Zhang#, Tong Zhou#, and Qi Chen#
    Nature cell biology Apr 2021
Wise lives, civilize ages.